Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Important Health And Safety Policies You May Need To Formulate For Your Employees

In any business setting, it's always a good idea to have policies that govern health and safety. This is important for many reasons. Even if the laws in your area do not make you obliged to do this, having such policies in place can protect you from loss of productivity due to injuries sustained in the workplace. It can also save you a lot of money, since you would not need to pay much towards the medical costs associated with workplace injury. Most importantly, it ensures that anyone who is in contact with your business - either yourself, your employees or your clients - are always safe from harm.
There are many safety policies you can implement in order to facilitate this. Some of these include:
The proper use of safety equipment
If you have staff members who provide services such as repairs and construction, you will need to buy them protective equipment such as helmets and boots. However, it's important that you go a step further and put in place policies that govern their use as well. Of course, items such as helmets and strengthened boots are easy to use, but there are other kinds of safety gear that are a bit more complicated in which case there is the potential to not use them properly. In such cases, your employees may not gain the full benefit of using them.
To avoid this, you should try and have them trained on how to do this. For instance, when you get new safety gear, you can take the people who will be using it through a course to give them instructions on how to do so. You may also need to put in place measures to periodically remind them of this, such as through regular drills.

Injury preparedness
Doing things such as getting safety gear drastically reduces the risk of injury in the workplace, but does not eliminate it. This means that even with the best of these, you may need to deal with a few of such incidents from time to time. Fortunately, using the right safety gear for the right application normally reduces the degree of injury inflicted in such cases.
That said, you still need to make sure that your staff members know how to deal with such issues if they arise. For instance, you could make it mandatory for them to go through a first aid course if you think that this will be of benefit in such cases. You could even select a subset of employees who are more likely to get injured, and then pay for their first aid course instead of having to force all employees to go through it.
These are just some of the policies that you can use to improve safety in your workplace. Using them, you will have a lower chance of having to deal with issues such as lawsuits. This is especially so when you do the above and also get the correct safety gear for your staff members, and encourage them to use it when working.

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