Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Best Way To Decorate For Halloween When Trying To Sell

When you are a home owner, it can be immensely fun to think of Halloween ideas to decorate your home. After all, no other holiday allows such macabre decorations to be so commonplace, and of course, it is all in good fun. However, Halloween decorations can do more than just scare unsuspecting children. It can also scare away buyers. Here are home selling tips that are in line with your inner spooky spirit.
Just Don't.
If you feel ambivalent about the holiday and all of the decorating that comes with it then it is not time to start while you are trying to sell your home. People that are seeing your home for the first time are forming their first impressions so you need to be careful not to get carried away with the decorations. Instead of decorations consider some contemporary curtains that will allow the autumn light to shine through.
But it's Halloween!
So you definitely want to decorate for the season. But you also definitely want to sell your home. You will be walking a fine line, but it is absolutely doable. In fact, a good seasonal scheme will have buyers easily imagining the fun they will have decorating when they own your property.
Show off your home, not your decorations.
As fun and complex as your Halloween decorations can be, prospective home buyers want to look at your house, not how spooky your lawn looks. Over the top decorations will detract the showcasing of your home.
While you are staging the house you want to try and depersonalize things as much as possible because you don't want your decorations to distract the home buyer, or worse yet, detract from the home itself. This can range from anything from religious items to personal mementos, but anything else that can stop a home buyer from imagining themselves and their family in the home. 

Halloween decorations are also covered by this same rule. If the buyer can't get a good idea of the curb appeal because of the Halloween decorations that litter the front yard then you might lose that potential sale. Don't try to remake your favorite horror movie scene. And please do not dress up in a costume while you are doing the showing.
No Gore Or Gross Things
You want your home to project positive traits like comfort. You want your home to be working right and to feel like a home. Shockingly you don't accomplish either of these things by putting zombies in the front of the house. You don't want your potential buyers to cringe when they drive up to your house. Leave the headless man and bloody bodies for another year after you have moved. Even if your home is in perfect shape you don't ever want people to relate your house to anything decaying or otherwise nasty.
Decorate tastefully.
Remember, your decorations serve to enhance your home. You can do this by adding small touches to your home that are more innocently fun, than macabre. For example, carve a pair of jack o' lanterns for the front steps or an old-fashioned sheet ghost from your porch. Bake Halloween sugar cookies to serve during showings or set out a bowl of chocolates next to a welcome card in the foyer.
In conclusion, as the holiday seasons draw close remember that the house is the biggest thing in the selling process and not your holiday cheer or your Halloween decorating skill. With all of that being said you can still sell your house quickly while maintaining a holiday spirit in the home. When done right Halloween decorations can make for a unique thing that will set your home apart from the others.

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